Thundercats 2011 cheetara boobs

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Sam Register (known for work in Teen Titans, Ben 10), the Executive Vice President of Warner Bros. Japanese animation studio Studio 4☌ will be handling the animation. Animation is producing a new ThunderCats animated series and it is airing on Cartoon Network in August 2011! It is a complete reboot of the 1985 series. That's all good and all, but why are we here? Warner Bros. Quite possibly the story could have been forgotten, but the characters themselves are iconic. If you grew up during the mid 80's/90's and loved animation, there's no way you couldn't have heard of the series. It's heralded by many to be a cult classic IGN rated it the 49th Best Animated TV Show. It gained a following with action figures, comic books, clothes, board games, and a video game.

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The whole series spanned 130 episodes and one TV movie in four seasons.

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So what is ThunderCats? ThunderCats was a cartoon created, by Ted 'Tobin' Wolf, in 1985 which depicted the adventures of a group of anthropomorphic feline creatures.

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